Best Hair Fixing in Bangalore | Hair Fixing Zone

 Men & Women’s Hair Loss Solutions with Proven Results

Hair Fixing Zone. Our state of art hair replacement studio have been offering the latest hair loss solutions for men and women since 2016. We understand hair loss can be a traumatic and isolating experience that can impact your confidence, career, relationships and self-esteem. The good news is, it’s never something you have to settle for there are real, proven ways to curb hair loss and restore your look and your confidence. We’re pleased to offer the most advanced and effective hair Replacement techniques to the greater Bangalore.

At HFZ – Hair Fixing Zone, we understand that no two clients are ever exactly alike; men and women come to us faced with different needs and goals and budgets. So it’s our job to help them identify the best solution for them. That’s why everything we do begins with a FREE consultation. We invite clients to meet one-on-one, in one of our stylish relaxing studios, where we’ll briefly evaluate your scalp condition, talk with you about your needs, and point you toward some potential solutions.

What causes hair loss in women is a very widely searched point. The average person, female or male, loses 50 to 100 hairs per day. If you suspect you are losing more than the average, take note of the amount of hair shedding on your pillow in the morning, your brush after combing your hair and drain after showering. In quality-of-life studies, women experiencing hair loss reported a higher incidence of behavior that interfered with their daily lives — including a significant loss of self-esteem, being introverted, feeling less attractive and tense feelings in public places. Hair loss in women commonly known as female pattern hair loss is a condition that occurs in women who suffer from androgenic alopecia.
Hair grows about an inch every couple of months. Each hair grows for 2 to 6 years, remains at that length for a short period, then falls out. A new hair soon begins growing in its place. At any one time, about 85% of the hair on your head is in the growing phase and 15% is not. Each hair sits in a cavity in the skin called a follicle. Baldness in men occurs when the follicle shrinks over time, resulting in shorter and finer hair. The end result is a very small follicle with no hair inside. Ordinarily, hair should grow back. However, in men who are balding, the follicle fails to grow new hair. Why this occurs is not well understood, but it is related to your genes and male sex hormones. Even though the follicles are small, they remain alive, suggesting the possibility of new growth.


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